So it’s been a bit of a whirlwind year lately, and per usual, I’ve been slow at updating this site. Hopefully you’re subscribed to my newsletter already, but if you’re not, you can sign up here to stay current with my news.
The most important of which is: my debut fantasy novel Catalyst comes out on October 11! I’ve been busy working with Atthis Arts as they get everything ready. Here are the highlights:
- Pre-order links are live, through most major North American outlets. You can find them under the new “Books” heading. If you pre-order the paperback directly from Atthis, guess what? You’ll get the eBook right now. No waiting until October.
- We’ve gotten a ton of advance praise from authors who have read the book: Premee Mohamed, Kate Heartfield, Brent Lambert, Julie Czerneda, Alex Livingston, Marie Bilodeau, Tracy Townsend, Violette Malan, and Dan Stout have all said absolutely amazing things. Check that out under “Books” too 🙂
- If you want to hear me read a bit of Catalyst, I’ll be taking part in a virtual Atthis event on September 11. Totally free, and you can sign up here.
- Lastly, I’m looking for a street team! If you want to help me promote the book in exchange for cool stuff, learn more here.