Canadian Author and Games Writer

Author Sketch by Scott Drummond

Fantasy • Sci Fi • Hopepunk • TTRPGs • Worldbuilding • Snakes!

Canadian Author and Games Writer

Catalyst = Available Now! - Brandon Crilly - Author, Games Writer, Geek

Catalyst = Available Now!

Apparently when your debut book comes out, things get hectic?

So hectic, in fact, that I just used the same joke here as I used on my newsletter earlier this week.

Quick update, after screaming about it on social media platforms dying and new: Catalyst is out in the world!!! It’s still beyond overwhelming to know my debut novel is out there, in people’s hands or on their eReaders, on TBR lists, etc. And then to sit here, waiting, patiently, for an avalanche of reviews. Someday. Maybe.

In all seriousness, though, this has been a surreal and magical few weeks, and I hope that if you’ve picked up Catalyst, you’re enjoying it. If you’re new to my work, you can learn more on the Books tab above, which includes blurbs and vendor links 🙂

But wait – there’s more! Last month also saw the release of my first games publication, Bestiarium Vocabulum, from Fat Goblin Games. 150+ creatures for their TinyD6 system, easily adaptable for elsewhere. You can check that out under Books, too!

Like I said … hectic.